Classified Ad Listing

Fill out the form below to create an ad listing and start selling!

Things To Note

Listing Price

This listing is 100% free. If you would like to contribute to the site, you will be able to do so after filling out the form. This is not required. However, any amount you would like to give is appreciated and will be used to further the development and promotion of the site.

Tags and Categories

Tags can help you reach potential buyers more quickly. When searching for an item for sale, a buyer can filter the search results by tags that closely matches their needs. Putting multiple tags that relate to your listing can narrow down a buyers search and make it easier to find your item.

Categories work the same way. You can add multiple categories, however you need to choose one of them as a default category that your item will be displayed in.

The more detailed your tags and categories are, the easier it makes potential buyers to find what they are looking for.

Linking your item to existing listings

At the bottom of this form, you will find some fields to link your classified ad to another listing. If you have a business listing set up in our “Equipment Rentals & Sales” category, you can select it in the associated field. This will then display your classified ad on your business listing automatically. The same goes for a sales event that might be listed already.