Associated Loggers

Associated Loggers

Associated Loggers, aka: also sometimes referred to as “AL” on our site, is a volunteer group of member subscribers, sponsors and advertisers. This for profit web offers the members a wide variety of features.

Signup or Claim your listing

Free Services

One of the finest features we have for you Loggers is our free business directory.  The directory boasts custom profile types that allow you to complete your listing in a way that few other sites offer for free! This means that in essence you get free advertising online and you do not have to be a computer nerd to do so.

In the next several months we will add a .pdf document that will allow you “computer-challenged” individuals to download and fill in by hand or complete online and print.  Once you complete the online .pdf file you can fax it to 1+ (209) 223-3227.  But by far the best way to take control of your profile is to register and then add your listing for free!  No credit/debit card information will be requested. Check out is free for the Business directory listing.

Another great “free” feature is the Associated Loggers, “AL’s” forums.  We have set up a forum for each State within the United States. I know! At this point you are wondering two things. First, who are we? And second, how large of a distribution “foot print” do we cover? Right? The first question can be found here at “About.”  And, the answer to the second question can be found down below titled “Geographic Foot Print.”

Social Networking is the “thing” these days.  Sites such as, and pages have the internet world in a frenzy.  With your free listing you can connect to Facebook, Twitter and Google with your business directory listing. And! It’s free!

Do you have multiple office locations? We offer, for free, what we call “franchise” listings. Simply set up your primary office and “check/tick” the box for Franchise.  You can add up to 500 offices World wide. And, you can set permission to restrict or allow office management to control the other locations information in the profile.

Upload a video for free? Yes, you and share a video form or upload your very own.

And the list goes on and on! So what are you waiting for. Register now and get started.

Paid Services

Banner Advertising

Sponsor Listing

Geographic Foot Print

As many of you know if a web site has a web address it can be seen from around the World so it is pointless to say that. Instead I would like to say that our design team will focus on the Logging and Timber industry in the United States, Canada and Mexico for now.

How can we make such a “foot-print”? We will use the latest technology SEO (search engine optimization) to make our site visible to search engine browsers when they are seeking your kind of business. If you would like to know more about SEO you can google it. There are literally hundreds of thousands of instances of the keyword SEO or search engine optimization.  And when you do your research it will not take long to see that it takes time and money to perform the task of SEO.

Our Mission

The Mission of “AL” is to make a profit by providing a web based service.  We are a “for profit” business that must provide a service to you that is useful.  We want to not only meet that challenge of providing such a service but exceed your expectations too.

If you have any questions or comments please let us know. What you think matters.


We have affiliations with several of our local Real Estate boards, S Valencia International,
Athena Insurance and Financial Services, iNeverLogout and

Thank you for becoming a free member. We look forward to meeting your needs.


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