How To Post Jobs

Job Dashboard

If you are a company looking to hire employees, you can create job listings for candidates to apply for. Employers have their own Job Dashboard to manage their job listings. You can locate the link in the “Employers” drop down menu. If you have posted any jobs, you will be able to see a list of all of them here.

Adding A Job

Adding a job for employee candidates is easy to do. From the Job Dashboard, you will find an “Add Job” link. This will take you to the form to add a job. Fill out the required info and either save the draft or preview the listing before submitting. Once submitted, your job listing will be available view by any members looking for a job.

Managing Employee Candidates

Once your job is posted, members on the site who are looking for work can start applying for the position. When someone applies, you will receive an email notifying you about the application. You will be able to view their resume and contact info and get a hold of them for any follow up info you may need. You can also manage employee candidates right from the Job Dashboard. In the “Applications” column of the dashboard, you can see how many applications you have for each job. Click on the number to see all the candidates in one place. Here, you can contact each candidate, make notes and change their application status to keep track of the hiring progress.


As of right now, as we get the site completed, we have not set pricing on Job Posting. However, there will be a small fee for posting jobs in the future. Pricing will be announced at a later time.


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