Washington Loggers Insurance

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Welcome Washing Loggers and Foresters.  For that matter all businesses associated with the Timber Industry. Welcome!

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Submission Guideline Points

  1. New Venture (no prior insurance with at least three years “proof” of coverage)
  2. Preferred Program/Policy Timber Operators and others with three years or more with “proof” of coverage

First, all submission must be “complete” in order for us to even start to quote. For the many of the programs you must have at least 5 years experience with 4 years of current loss run reports of claims history. You must order your loss runs before applying for our preferred program.

Next, if you are experienced but have not had prior insurance we still have insurance programs for you.  The rates are not as good but it is a way to begin down the path of building up an insurance history so that we can then submit your insurance request to the better priced plans provided you meet their guidelines.

Preferred Program for General Liability, Trucking & Umbrella

Must have:

  1. Mechanized loggers or Logging Contract Haulers
  2. Minimum of 5 years’ in business
  3. 4 years (current plus 3 years preceding) loss experience insurance history. If any claims within the prior 4 years a letter of explanation on all claims greater than $25,000.
  4. 4 Years Expiring Premiums amounts disclosed
  5. 3 year average loss ratio less than 30% with no open claims
  6. Completed Auto and Loggers web application form
  7. Acceptable Safer / SMS Reports if applicable
  8. Short / Intermediate Haul Only (we have other truck logging programs too)
  9. Written Safety Policy and / or Driver Policy
  10. Written Contract with Subcontractors with hold harmless/waiver of subrogation provisions

*additional underwriting criteria may apply

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