Who is the Federal Forest Resource Coalition?

Today I ponder the formation and purpose the what is happening with the 19 Billion, yes billion dollars that appears to have be allocated to the “Federal Forest Resource Coalition” located at 600 New Hampshire Avel, NW Suite 500, Washington, CA 20037.

This item of interest is titled “Testimony of Troxel” (Testimony_Troxel) and is an interesting read. This document was downloaded from  a page located at US Senate https://agriculture.senate.gov.

The opening paragraphs read:

“Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Boozman, my name is Tom Troxel, and I am the Executive
Director of the Intermountain Forest Association, a nonprofit corporation representing timber
industry companies in Colorado, South Dakota, and Wyoming. I am here today on behalf of the
Federal Forest Resource Coalition, a national non-profit trade association representing a
diverse coalition of federal timber purchasers, conservation groups, and county governments.
With over 650 member companies in 32 States, FFRC members employ over 390,000 people
and produce over $19 Billion in annual payroll.

We appreciate the opportunity to share our thoughts on the wildfire crisis impacting the
National Forest System and other Federal lands, and the budgetary impacts of this crisis on the
Forest Service. FFRC and various industry associations around the country have long
supported a sustainable model for fire suppression funding, including the establishment and
funding of the FLAME Fund. We continue to actively participate in the Partner Caucus on Fire
Suppression Funding Solutions, which continues to work to find a better way of funding fire
suppression without robbing appropriated funds from accounts needed to manage the
National Forest System.”

Ok folks! At this point I am going to set up a forum topic regarding this subject titled “Federal Forest Resource Coalition” and add some sub-topics.

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Kind regards,

Steve Valencia / Web Master / Independent Insurance Broker

(209) 223-1870



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